In the circuit design of any electronic product, the circuit protection device is needed to prevent the damage of over-current to the electronic product itself. The essential function is to protect the circuit. Electrolytic capacitor manufacturers will give you a detailed introduction of different types of electronic components in circuit protection what kind of role.
Film capacitance:
Thin film capacitor has many functions, which can restrain the interference of power supply and battery.
Prevent voltage instability and damage to other electrical components. Varistor is mainly used for voltage clamping when the circuit is under over-voltage to absorb excess current to protect sensitive devices.
Safety Capacitance:
In order to reduce the impedance as much as possible, the bypass capacitance should be close to the power supply pin and ground pin of the load device. This can prevent ground potential elevation and noise caused by too large input value. The earth bomb is the voltage drop when the ground connection passes through a large current burr.
When the over-excited current passes through the thermistor, the resistance value of some special materials will rise sharply. This nonlinear characteristic is similar to the switch. This kind of thermistor can play an over excitation protection role in the special circuit protection circuit.
Most of the time, it is not feasible to select only one electronic component to protect the circuit in the circuit design. It is necessary to select various types of electronic components according to the circuit requirements, such as film capacitor, varistor, safety capacitor, etc. Of course, when purchasing electronic components, you should choose according to the actual needs. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.